Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The Turkana Oil Irony

Whoever has a head is looking for a cap and whoever has a cap is looking for a head. Is that statement not truer in Turkana than anywhere else on the globe?  When they cannot get water oil appears. Yet someone, not a Turkana, bought Ngamia well decades ago. I was forgetting my Chemistry: oil and water don’t mix and water is denser than oil. Water, therefore is below oil in Turkana, little wonder that government got oil before water. Whoever has oil is looking for water and vice versa!
Scantily dressed nilotic tribe of a far-flung Northern Frontier Region of Kenya instantly hit number one on the social networks worldwide trends on discovery of oil.  Only one year ago when the Turkanas stared death in the face, as a result of famine and starvation, they did not hit a trend in any social network except for the campaign by Kenya4kenya team of philanthropists. It was the first time a concerted effort of Corporate Social Responsibility hit Trukana. Unprecedented wave of generosity after hundreds had starved to death and a chief got sacked for lamenting! What makes sense here is Big Business, Big Oil. Is Big Business anti-humanity or just anti-Turkana?
But Big Business has always been inhuman. During the gilded age in another Union of States Big Business survived on child labour, made huge profits and today they are Big Multinationals and aid donors because of guilt not philanthropy. Big Tobacco is another inhuman lot. Is Big Tobacco not killing big time? Ah! You cannot compare human health to corporate wealth. As long as addictive nicotine exists teens will smoke it to replace their cancer-ridden grandpas. Now that is a lot of Big Business. So Turkana will be compensated and relocated period. Big Oil will take over. And that is very human.
Wonders will never end! Turkana region is marked for the biggest wind energy project in Africa. Wind energy, for Starters, is clean, renewable and environmentally friendly. Even in its utility there are none of those non-biodegradable green house emissions that deplete our precious ozone layer. A lot of studies have linked fossil fuel, Big Oil, to myriad cases of cancer and emission of cancinogenous substances which take World Health Organization zillions of dollars to manage, not cure. We are not talking about the cost of prevention here! The irony in Turkana again is that Unclean (dirty) Energy will stall the biggest project of Clean Energy! Big Oil will surely win.
So whoever is looking for water has received oil and whoever is looking for oil has plenty of water but cannot pipe it up there in Trukana! Why has nature ‘blessed’ Turkana with such a Big Curse! For our economy and the Big Business it’s a Big Blessing. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
Shem Sam