The list of Kenyans who have written books on
democracy and governance with specific reference to corruption and rot in
government of the day is long but none has ever been marketed like peeling back the mask authored by Miguna
Miguna. Many indeed have written books expressing disappointment, betrayal,
ingratude, disaffection, by those they purportedly helped to ascend to positions
of influence but none has ever campaigned for the purchase of his book like
Miguna Miguna. The lone actor in Peeling
Back the Mask melodrama is no ordinary man. Not in the magnitude of his
view of things and general disposition. When practicing law in Canada his law
firm had no website but his ego had one,; his law firm had
no official e-mail but his ego had one , As my
friend Charles Owino joked, he returned this month from Canada in two jets –one
cargo jet bearing his ego. Eish, but it is Miguna Miguna we are talking about!

One of our founding fathers, Mzee Jaramogi
Oginga Odinga, who declined presidency in solidarity with Mzee Kenyatta,
suffered terrible disaffection with the latter on matters ideology and wrote Not Yet Uhuru. However, it never went
into records that he marketed his book from county to county. Nay, province to
province and district to district. Had it not been for his belief in solidarity
and national unity, Mzee Odinga would have been the first president of Kenya.
His memoir, Not yet Uhuru, is an
objective master piece with chronology of events from the struggle for
independence to the betrayal of the people. The tone of the book is neither
sarcastic not bitter but moderated with clarity of political thought and facts.
He did not launch it in full glare of media with ‘come, baby come’ flare and
fanfare. Eish, but it is Miguna Miguna - the jilted lover and not Jaramogi the
nationalist capable of such feat.
Alas! There is one John called Githongo who
prevailed upon Machella Wrong to document the ills and rot of Kibaki
administration that invented such monumental scandals like Angloleasing (Kenyan Watergate) after resigning when it was his ‘time
to eat’ -and not when he had been sacked. Anyway, the 400 feet vessel from Angloleasing docked at Mombasa Port
yesterday –more money into few pockets. Even though there is latent sarcasm as
is the wont of Machela Wrong’s penmanship (if
In the Footsteps of Mr Kurtz is anything to go by), Githongo in that book
is not Omniscient Being around whom every game of power play revolves. But it
is Miguna Miguna the social pariah whose idea of self importance and indispensability
merge to sire the largest ego on this planet, and claims to have made Hon. Raila
Odinga. There is rapacious megalomania even in his perceived roles in coalition
government jostling. Unlike Mr.Miguna, Githongo took his time documenting every
important detail with clinical precision and with an art only known to meek
souls before releasing a dossier that almost brought Kibaki regime to its
knees. Githongo is a Governance guru. He is artistic in his approach to issues
and addresses the system not the individual. His diminutive ego in inverse
proportion to his size does not produce ‘come and kneel before me and kiss my
feet’ performances. He recedes to a secret location in London, incognito, until
BBC combs the street for a live interview. Mr Githongo smiles faintly but
confidently while occasionally adjusting his glasses as he meekly ‘peels off’
incontrovertible evidence complete with value added analysis of his works. He
is not a ‘carcass peeling’ bald headed vulture ‘gliding at an impunity trajectory’.
When the book finally comes out of print people
buy it without being on The Bench or 47-
county-hall salesmanship.Evidently, Githongo’s book launches itself. Even
Machela Wrong who has written more books than Miguna can spew insults, does not
travel to Kenya fraying her skirt in public just to launch It is Our Time to Eat. Eish, but it is Miguna Miguna who claims to
have been politically babysitting Raila Odinga! Miguna the self-made spin
doctor is no ordinary man even in his relationship with family. When he was
campaigning for Nyando parliamentary seat in 2007, he paraded his father before
all and sundry just to testify how he (Miguna) had been supporting the family.
What do you expect? Whoever can call upon his father to proclaim public
gratitude for a private matter may demand a ‘kneel before me’ and ‘kiss my feet’
worship from his superiors. That unique person can only be a Miguna Miguna.

Eish, but Miguna Miguna is the only one with
a head (if you chose to ignore the bald) that bears intellect in Kenya. Even
the veteran columnist, Philip Ochieng’ who can easily pass for one of the most
learned Kenyans earned an epithet on ‘lazy alcoholism’ and ‘airlift spoon
feeding’. The columnist’s shortcoming in
the light of Miguna’s insult is being a beneficiary of Tom Mboya’s airlifts.
How could that lofty columnist enjoy ‘air rides’ when Miguna was making
himself? The error of ‘spoon feeding’ on the part of acquiring education is a
governance shortcoming, that is, if
Peeling Back the Mask has anything to do with Democracy and Governance. Who
on this planet survives Miguna’s wrath of judgement? Referring to Comrade
Wafuka Buke in his book, Miguna says he is only an incorrigible drunkard. For
starters Wafula was a political prisoner for five long years in Kamiti when
Miguna was sort of ‘making’ himself in ‘exile’ in Canada. He spits vile venom
punctuated by ‘god among mortals’ theatrics every time he opens his ‘righteous’
Eish, but it is Miguna who can embark on
‘annoy the people’ tour and expect to be received with jubilation rivaling
Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem with crowds signing ‘Hosanna Hosanna in
the Highest’ or ‘come, baby came and sell your falsehoods and insults here
among us’. He does not disappoint in his enormous capacity to disappoint.
Miguna spewed insults in Kisumu Social Hall calling his listeners ‘stupid
idiots’ and ‘voting robots’. They were too cultured and cultivated to part with
blows, even if violence is an extension of dialogue. In dialogue people
exchange words; in violence they exchange objects (hard facts). In his own
confession, Miguna ‘wanted people to be angry and they are angry’ (ignore the
tautology). Our good crusader drinks from the cup but not to last dregs. He
runs, oh boy! He runs!
Eish, but Miguna Miguna’s book is no ordinary
book either. It has to be preached like Holy Bible, Qur'an and Hind Gita,
starting from Jerusalem to Samaria and Judea. The Gospel of ‘peeling back the
mask’ is salvation Miguna style. The State too is not disappointing either. Despite
tens of citizen losing their lives in Tana River delta and Wajir, Miguna
deserves many more security personnel in his quest to ‘peel back more masks’ in
every county. Ah! Newtonian law of equal
action and reaction forces translates socially as one Destroyer 05 (who
is evidently neither luo nor Gor Mahia fan) could not put up with a few
insults. He ‘peeled off’ the glasses, the cap and the shoe as ‘baby’ fled for
safety. As my favourite poet Robert
Frost puts it in Two Tramps,” Except
as a fellow holds and axe, he had no way of judging a fool”, we may also say
that by the way Destroyer 05 held a catapult (not a sling) he is not by long
shot a Luo .It beats logic that you anger people and expect them to compose
songs in your praise. The people beat Miguna Miguna because they love him. He
should therefore take the beatings with delight as an act of masochism or ‘self-laceration’
-the Brothers Karamazov way. Eish but
that is Miguna the spin doctor who made Raila Odinga.
The mainstream media has little space for
Kenyans angry with Miguna to express their grievances so they take to social
media. There was a time when Ugandan president, Yoweri Mseveni, of the ‘Jaluos
are mad’ and ‘nyoya reli’ fame sparked social media outrage after his forces
tried to annex Migingo Island. At one point it was almost eminent that the
social media army was going to execute ‘operation heshimu jirani’ (operation
respect your neighbour) but that was nothing compared to ‘come baby come’ on
Facebook and tweeter indignation. His head has been superimposed on Mario Balotelli’s
Eufa pose among uncountable ridiculous caricatures. Clearly public outrage has
to be stretched further by converting Peeling
Back the Mask into pdf and sharing it like a virus in the internet. Miguna’s
marketing has made the book most infamous yet least sold book in Kenya.

Eish, but Miguna Miguna is a strategist. He
found friends who suffer from Railaphobia to bankroll his crusade. After all,
enemy of an enemy is a friend for the time being. The friend is rumoured to
have bought over 100,000 copies so that they may be distributed freely after
county hall lectures. Aren’t these some of the people he ridiculed with his
articles on The Star during Hague pre-trial
chamber hearings? Oh! Boy, politics has no permanent enmity. He now has enough
evidence ‘to take Raila to the Hague’. Eish, but it is Miguna Miguna the spin
doctor, the author, the lawyer, the crusader, the know-it-all, the Raila Maker,
and the Raila Destroyer wannabe! Eish Miguna has the monopoly of knowledge! Did
the Destroyer 05 beat fellow ‘destroyer’ on ‘his meek bald’?
Shem Sam