Monday, 16 July 2012


Election debates follow a dichotomy of issues in an issue-based democracy. In more mature democracies there are pro-lifers and pro-choicers, pro-gun control and anti-gun control, pro-modern day slavery and anti- slavery, pro-war and anti-war, capitalists and communists, pro-GMOs and Anti-GMOs, pro and anti-gay relationships as well as gender issues. That is what we call issue-based politics whose opposite may be termed as ‘parochial interests’ politics’. In such democracies you never miss special interest groups and lobbies advocating for a particular issue like the repeal of ‘don’t ask don’t tell policy’.

In less mature democracies (or little democracy) the debate takes a very low course. But no course has ever been lower than Kenya’s in the previous elections where lords of impunity preserved status quo, from which they obtained their filthy lucre, through hook and crook. Someone failing to elect a progressive leader on the basis of circumcision is intellectually ‘uncircumcised’ and experiences the lowest level of civic knowledge. If we were to dig further into man’s recorded history from all sources, we would not find any correlation between circumcision and leadership capabilities. I might even add that, remotely, there is correlation between foreskin and intelligence. We all believe that the ancient Greeks were intellectually endowed; they invented philosophy whose logic touched Alexander the Great and attested by Xerxes of Persia. We have read extensively from Homer, Aeschylus, Herodotus, to Prof. H. D. Kitto’s Fifth Century Greeks but none of those sources record circumcision among the Hellenists. We are also familiar with ancient Egypt whose civilization dominated Mesopotamia for centuries and circumcision is not recorded to have been practised among them.

Majority of Kenyans are Christians and there is a growing number of Muslims each passing day. For that matter, they are more inclined to possess some knowledge of the Bible and Qur’an to know the origin of circumcision among the Jews. The first time circumcision appears in the Bible was an order from God to distinguish his descendants (Jews) from the rest of inhabitants of the Earth. Our Muslim brothers do not hold the story of Abraham and circumcision in any ‘controversy’. That simple act of circumcision made the Israelites so special in the eyes of God so much so that when David fought the invincible Goliath he knew it was impossible to lose to uncircumcised Philistine. Enoch, a righteous man who lived ages before Abraham, was taken to heaven alive uncircumcised. After the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, Apostle Paul approved Simon Peter for discriminating against the gentiles when he resorted to eating exclusively with the circumcised Jews. To paraphrase Paul in his epistle to Galatians, they no longer lived in flesh but in faith.  It is therefore clear that circumcision is not heaven’s gatekeeper. 

What intrigues me is that proponents of ‘a circumcised leader’ are Christians whose region is dominated by Presbyterian Churches, Catholic Missions, AIC, ACK, and avalanches of evangelicals; People who add ubarikiwe or ‘be blessed’,’ praise the Lord’ in every sentence that escapes their pious mouths. How hypocritical can a people be?

To even imagine that native Africans were not practicing circumcision from yore is brazen foolery. Africans are people known to ‘circumcise’ even women, something that has been rebranded to mean Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The kikuyu, Maasai, and Samburu practiced clitoridoctomy with disastrous effects. Now it has become unfashionable, and glided into a kind of social abomination, whereas, with the help of HIV Aids scourge, and skewed medical research, male circumcision has been elevated to glorious levels and set on a pedestal for worship.

 Medical researchers draw correlation between foreskin and the spread of HIV/Aids while there is a disputing team of researchers who strongly holds that such medical deductions are preposterous at best. As Stephen Jay Gould puts it in his book Bully for Brontosaurus, "Scientists have power by virtue of the respect commanded by the discipline. We may therefore be sorely tempted to misuse that power in furthering a personal prejudice or social goal -- why not provide that extra oomph by extending the umbrella of science over a personal preference in ethics or politics? But we cannot, lest we lose the very respect that tempted us in the first place."

In my silly reading habit, I have come across ‘ bring back my foreskin’ movement in western world. It is not because of circumcision that continental intelligence sunk after the collapse of Ancient Egypt. I do not subscribe to innuendoes of former governor of German central bank that the national intelligence was lowered by presence of many foreigners in Germany. I guess we do not need to commission a medical research to find direct correlation between foreskin and collective intelligence and put the issue to rest.

Some researchers posit that uncircumcised men (due to the sensitive tip of penis always covered by foreskin unless when having sex) enjoy love making more that their circumcised counterparts. Every woman in Nairobi dreams of a Luo or Teso boyfriend despite circumcision status. They make very good lovers and generally reputed for intelligence. At someone writes,” Some adult men so lament their parents' decision to circumcise them when they were infants that they go to great lengths to correct the deed. Some do it for aesthetic reasons and others to enhance their sexual experience”.  What say you? The Teso of western Kenya too do not practice male circumcision and nobody objects.

Whatever the case, 2013 election debate is well defined: Reformers versus Lords of Impunity, agents of change who genuinely want to implement the constitution and improve social conditions of the citizens of Kenya on one hand and agents of status quo who have exploited the constitutional and structural loopholes in previous regimes to enrich themselves with taxpayers hard earned money. That being the case, Miguna’s Peeling Back the Mask has hugely been motivated by anti-reform forces who will cling at anything (including allegations of a jilted lover) to discredit Prime Minister’s hard won reform credentials and derail the reform process.

Shem Sam


Anonymous said...

To some extent i do agree with you on intellectual part coz circumcision does not entail intelligence but could u consider it on medical grounds? i.e reducing HIV


Unknown said...

There are serious loopholes in the medical research that links the spread of HIV/Aids to foreskin just like breast cancer and birth control.Or sexual activity and prostate cancer. Politically, circumcision is used in kenya to undermine some communities.