Is man happy? That is a
question we used to explore with young philosophy enthusiasts whenever
undesired occurrence befell a rich man. I do not want to be the all knowing god
of knowledge, so it is better to tell
anybody intending to read the entire article that Neitch asked the question centuries
(nay millennia) after Solon and Croesus had a similar discourse.
Herodotus narrates that
Croesus, a wealthy pious King who imagined himself the happiest man ever, asked
Solon, a well travelled Athenian philosopher, if he knew the happiest man.
Unfortunately, Solon mentioned a certain Tellus of Athens, a private citizen
who lived long and as happy as nature of man allows. He died gloriously in
battle. Then Croesus asked who came next in happiness –hoping to be mentioned
in second place. However, Solon placed two siblings, Cleobis and Biton of
Argos, young men of sufficient wealth who won victories in games, and their
death was notable. Herodotus records that their mother had to be driven to the
temple of Hera, five miles distance, for a festival. Since the oxen did not
come in good time, they drew the cart themselves. At the festival people
acclaimed their strength and congratulated their mother. She, in transport of
happiness, prayed the goddess (Hera) to grant her sons the greatest blessings
that a man can have. After the feast the two brothers fell asleep in the very
temple, and never awoke again.
Concerned that Solon considered
him less happy than private citizens, Croesus asked, “What about me”. The
Athenian philosopher said he would wait until the day Croesus died to determine
whether he was happy. Before long King Cyrus captured Croesus in battle and set
him on a pyre to be burnt alive upon which Croesus remembers Solons argument
and shouted, “Solon! Solon! Solon!” When
Cyrus was told the significance of that lesson; know thyself, which means
remember that you are -a man, subject to conditions and limitations of
mortality, he ordered that fire be put out. It was too late. Therefore, Croesus called
upon Apollo (god) to save him. Whereupon clouds gathered in the clear sky, a
torrent of rain fell, and the fire was put out –much like the biblical account
of Shadrack, Meshak and Abednego.I should acknowledge that I am the millionth
asker of the question on happiness and lofty stations of life, where kings find
Am I not the professional
question asker who never gets satisfactory answers because of daftness on my
part? The three Greeks named above were kings except for the wise solon of
Athens; You might even think Solomon was Greek. Are kings not the few creatures
of God we think are happy because of immense wealth and power they wield here
on Earth? Sometimes Kings conspire with fate to harm or favour subject(s) but
they are hardly immortal, not by a long shot.
More often than not, Kings,
drunk with power, delude themselves with the ideas of being demigods or God himself. These are beings that
out of error of judgment imagine operating between mortals and immortals until
their mortality rate proves otherwise. One Greek fellow called Solon coined a
famous philosophical-cum-religious phrase: know thyself, to remind Croesus that
no human is immortal. Take for example Assad, (I hope Nato finds him in good
time), with one cough, his Alawite cronies perform acts of bloodbath on people
referred to as civilians because of their lowly stations in life and daily
engagements. Here in my country they are called ordinary wananchi, they class
which is famous for tunaomba serikali (
we appeal to the government).
In the first half of last century, one mortal known to his subjects and citizen of the land where people sing Uber Allez as Fuhrer, gassed so many descendants of Abraham until that unique act of anti-Semitism was registered in the annals of history as holocaust. The Fuhrer had another puppet friend called Benito Mussolini with whom he cherished such acts as genocides and holocausts before his nemesis from Moscow, Yosef Stalin , performed ‘holocaust’ on him. Sometimes death of one Hitler potentially averts three holocausts and twenty genocides. No, he was so obsessed with mass murder that he had to kill his wife, Eva Braun, before dispatching himself to the hereafter and recommending benzene corrosion on his corpse. The fact that he deeply cared for the life of a canine called Blondi still disturbs many.
In the first half of last century, one mortal known to his subjects and citizen of the land where people sing Uber Allez as Fuhrer, gassed so many descendants of Abraham until that unique act of anti-Semitism was registered in the annals of history as holocaust. The Fuhrer had another puppet friend called Benito Mussolini with whom he cherished such acts as genocides and holocausts before his nemesis from Moscow, Yosef Stalin , performed ‘holocaust’ on him. Sometimes death of one Hitler potentially averts three holocausts and twenty genocides. No, he was so obsessed with mass murder that he had to kill his wife, Eva Braun, before dispatching himself to the hereafter and recommending benzene corrosion on his corpse. The fact that he deeply cared for the life of a canine called Blondi still disturbs many.
(Fuhrer) in a Nazi salute pose
Before Fuehrer trod on this
planet rather eccentrically, there was one ‘emperor of kings’ called Napoleon Bonaparte
alias General Petit. Under Gods auspices someone with such an irreligious title
could only be exiled to a lonely island like Mbasa on Lake Victoria or St
Helena, after all his conquests and
ultimate defeat at Waterloo. He dictated even the Holy See, the pious king
(pontiff) guy who only leaves reigns of Vatican when the Angel of Death pays a
visit at his bedside. That guy can only go to grave from Vatican; his title has
no place in this world. He can only be
retired by death. Not even the wieldy UN can hire him for war negotiations like
they incessantly do with Koffi Annan. Deployment of a pope is not something
even wealthy FIFA can do as in the case of Signor Luis Moreno Ocampo. It
doesn’t matter if America (both south and North) file trillion cases of unholy
abuse by his saintly priests: He is Pope for life. Late last month some of his
cardinals and a valet, with a saintly first name (Paolo) and angelic second
name (Gabriele), conspired against Mr.Ratzinger whose home country is Fuhrer’s
Bonaparte (General Petit)
By sheer irony, this laity
Paolo Gabriele, performed acts that are neither saintly nor angelic, as a
result of unlimited access to the Vicar of Christ and his accessories, which he
ended up vouchsafing to power gambling cardinals of ‘Iscariot’. If I were the
pontiff, who didn’t like the German name so much so that settled for the
sixteenth Benedict, I would not invite them to the Lord’s Banquet and share Holy
Communion. Talking of sixteenth titles, one French king shortly before the era
of general petit settled for being the sixteenth Luis. Life did not treat him
well either. His riotous followers invented guillotine for the sole purpose of
beheading him and his family. Having learnt that lesson I won’t settle for
anything sixteen.
We should start donating African names to Vatican because the only East African king who settled for a second title was Kabaka Mutesa II. Henry Morton Stanley the English navigator had to pay him homage. There will never be Ojwang the sixteenth or Kamau the twelfth as a title name. Did I mention Africa? Why can’t the Vatican settle for the Nigerian Cardinal as the Papa now that European names come with generous integers as suffixes? We just consign to Vatican some pious looking Nigerian witchdoctor to produce black smoke followed by green then finally white, and that’s it. Our juju can take less than one hour to produce all those shades of smoke to save Catholics the trepidation that came with Ratzinger’s election and coronation. If someone is the Vicar of Christ he is more than a king but is he happy? Not with Paolo Gabriele wikileaking documents and the countless legal suits on child abuse.
We should start donating African names to Vatican because the only East African king who settled for a second title was Kabaka Mutesa II. Henry Morton Stanley the English navigator had to pay him homage. There will never be Ojwang the sixteenth or Kamau the twelfth as a title name. Did I mention Africa? Why can’t the Vatican settle for the Nigerian Cardinal as the Papa now that European names come with generous integers as suffixes? We just consign to Vatican some pious looking Nigerian witchdoctor to produce black smoke followed by green then finally white, and that’s it. Our juju can take less than one hour to produce all those shades of smoke to save Catholics the trepidation that came with Ratzinger’s election and coronation. If someone is the Vicar of Christ he is more than a king but is he happy? Not with Paolo Gabriele wikileaking documents and the countless legal suits on child abuse.
Gabriele Sitting in front of Pope Benedict XVI
I was on the concept of Kings,
happiness and Immortality before digressing to Vatican smoke colours. My third
eye reminds me that I have not exhausted smoke (smoking issue) where
irreligious kings are concerned. Now I want to limit it to Africa. The Libyan
Desert revolutionary turned king of kings had ‘unroyal’ smoking habit.
According to my Science teacher, Mr. Saoke Bunde, the stuff this particular
supreme king was smoking is called Cannabis Sativa, not Marijuana. My people
from the lake call it Obwa Sativa (elephant
dung). I had seen images of Muammar exhaling cascades of smoke in his nomadic
desert tent. Living in mobile tents is one habit His Royal Highness never
broke. Anyway, old habits die hard. In our Kenyan parlance we may say he did
not ‘know people’: where people in this context are Nato and the desert rats
(Libyan citizens). Philosophically speaking, Qaddafy failed to consider
‘knowing thyself’ but assumed to the lofty title reserved for one Immortal
(God) known as King of Kings. The people he condescended knowing smoked him out
of his desert hole (tunnel) and brutally dispatched him to the next world.
Qaddafi Smoking
The desert heat is unforgiving
and utterly intolerable. My friends who boast some acquaintance with desert
water cycle tell me that oases are few and far between to the extent that
camels die of dehydration as a result of water scarcity and high rate of
perspiration. To imagine that a fellow in Tunisia, Mohamed Bouazizi, would set
himself on fire as a form of protest against Ben Ali regime beats all logic.
Even people who employ bizarre acts of protests respect preservation of self.
Our good friend Okoiti Omatata may buy all the chains (dog chains included)
from all the branches of Nakumatt Supermarket, but the furthest he has ever
gone is a metallic mast next to vigilant House, without finding recourse to the
use of fire. Who imagined that such bizarre acts, could exile Ben Ali to Saudi
Arabia? The hawk eyed Ben Ali of all the people! He too failed to ‘know people’
but especially “know thy mortal self”. Another dethroned king fleeing from
desert people to seek asylum in another desert country ruled by kings!
Still on matters desert and its
unruly people, one 84 year Hosni Mubarak irks his people by the longevity of
his rule which is in commensurate with longevity of his life. The only person a
part from Supreme Deity whose longevity of tenure is unrivaled if Queen
Elizabeth II. She has ruled the ‘democratic’ UK and commonwealth for 60 years,
a period also known as Diamond Jubilee. It appears queens whether young or old
prefer Diamond to Gold but this jubilee has nothing to do with jewellery -a
part from the one on Her Majesty’s crown. She was born next to the throne and
will die on it. I have learnt through technology that she will be in her luxury
barge escorted by a flotilla of 1000 vessels down River Thames as thousands of
spectators line up to watch. By the way, since my grandfather was born I have
never heard that someone known to someone known to me ever cast a vote for Her Majesty
as the head of Commonwealth. I will vie for that seat once declared vacant. I am
not wishing death on the queen but being the leader of people who purport to
export Democracy and Good Governance to other counties, there has to be
periodic Commonwealth General Election to oversee activities of CHOG. In m
wildest dreams I won’t mind chairing CHOGM Queen Elizabeth II, who must have
consulted Mutesa II on titles, ‘knows people’ and that’s why another species of
Guillotine has not been invented for her neck. My educated guess suggests she ‘knows
thyself’ too.
Hosni Mubarak on Trial
I am a man with erratic
thoughts. How did I jump from King Mubarak to Queen Elizabeth II? Anyway, she
had once occupied Mubarak’s territory before Gamal Abdel Nasser comprehensively
defeated Her Majesty’s army the way KDF plans to do with Alshabaab. In a land
anciently ruled by pharaohs who subjugated their current neighbours
(Israelites) for so long, longevity of kingly tenure which is not hereditary is
expected. It must be that thirty years of iron fist rule when one wakes up each
morning to stare at the monuments of slavery (pyramids) is not tenable anywhere
on the globe. A people whose ancestors witnessed a whole army swallowed in a
parted sea after ten devastating plagues know that mutiny against godhead down
here is suicidal. In that square, the aging godhead ordered massacre of over
800 civilians but they were not cowed, leave alone intimidated. They asked that
king to ‘know (respect) people’ with all kinds of weaponry at their disposal.
The motley demonstrators unlike participants in UK riots had learnt firsthand
lesson from K’Ogallo fans that flew stones in planes to stone Zamalek in 1987.
And they put that lesson to good use last year leaving ‘no turn unstoned’. Astute K’Ogallo fans’ students
of stone throwing pelted the army with Gor
projectiles until the army declared armistice and joined the winning side.
The English know how to evade defeat better. How else could they coin such
convenient statements like if you can’t beat them join them? They not only
ousted but also locked hoary King Mubarak and two seeds from his loins behind
bars before demanding death penalty. Who wants to sentence 84 year old mortal
to death? Give him life sentence and wash your hands like Pilate. He did not
‘know people’ neither did he ‘know thyself’.

Charles Taylor surrendering in Nigeria
I may wear my fingers writing
about the kings of desert part of North Africa before I develop Manhattan fever
crossing over to the lands of short and long sleeve geniuses, Liberia and Sierra
Leone. The land of Samuel Doe and Charles Taylor has just too much in her
history to be modest about. It is also the same part of Africa where you come
across diamond at mere attempt of sifting river mud with a wire-netted sieve.
The same diamond is the subject of a protracted civil war and equally
protracted legal battle at Dan Haag. When the economist (Charles Taylor) who
knows true value of Diamond exchanged it with rebels who know true value of
arms it became blood diamond.
Rebels are organized reprobate hoodlums
experienced in and carry out various acts of body mutilations on civilians even
if they do not want a forceful regime change. For those who claim FGM is body
mutilation, I advise you to visit Sierra Leone and appreciated the true meaning
of the term body mutilation. He never
killed anyone but his genius in mixing diamond trade with international arms
race did physically and psychologically harm the ordinary wananchi of Sierra
Leone. His trade almost converted a half of citizens in a neighbouring country
into ‘Paralympics’. People who were never born with disabilities have become
amputees at the wrist or elbow, ankle or knee –hence the contraction ‘short
sleeve’ and ‘long sleeve’ amputation. For each stroke of a brute physician,
Taylor got a dime or diamond.
On 30th May, Watching him address
the court before sentencing, that ‘the Rome Statues do not take into account
traditions, culture, customs, physical location, and such sensitivities unique
to various nations in Africa’ made the court insensitive to issues like Taylors
advance age, adverse health, united family et cetera; because he (Taylor) did
not know that limbs too are sensitive to pain and crucial rate of change of
location, waking or mobility. There was jubilee, not Diamond jubilee but rather
anti-diamond jubilee, when he received a fifty year sentence to be served in UK
penitentiary facility. He will be welcome there knowing that his name is
English even if read in reverse order. I hold that UK is the most convenient
place for Taylor to serve his sentence, for once in a while, that sassy chick Naomi
Campbell, will return the kind gesture of blood diamond once bestowed upon her
as a gift by warlord Taylor, and take a catwalk to dingy jail cells to say
hello to a dethroned king. At least, King Taylor ‘knew people’; but only
beautiful people, yet not beautiful enough to mitigate a fifty years’ sentence.
I am sure his president Sirleaf Johnson, another Liberian with a leafy English
name will be gone when Taylor leaves prison.
Laurent Gbagbo Captured in a bunker
In confidence and out of
records, I will whisper that in my dreams I envy Ouattara for his good
connections. Unlike Laurent Gbagbo he ‘knows right people’ who can smoke your
political rivals out of an underground palatial bunker and convey them to Dan
Haag. Reeling from Taylor’s protracted episodic trial Gbagbo must be seeking to
know people who can secure acquittal or wad off life sentences to be served in
English speaking countries. They could have decided to send him to Bastilles
(had it not been demolished) not far from Nostradamus grave, to get a pinch of
futuristic prophesies. He should also know that the tramp who exhumed
Nostradamus skull died before drinking prophetic wine from it. For starters,
Nostradamus is the sage who prophesied French revolution two hundred years
before it happened and added that whoever would dig up his skull and drink wine
from it will have prophetic powers; sorry the tramp was hit by a bullet just as
he poured wine into the skull. But I am a patient man, so I will just cross my
fingers and correct this article once Gbagbo has been sentenced. That will
determine if he got to know relevant people as recluse at The Hague. Is Gbagbo
really happy?
Nobody will object when I say
that humid climate of west Africa comes with unruliness and all manner of
absurdities for all I know. It is also going down in the Guinness Book of
records as the only part of the world where military coups happen on a weekly
routine, at least among the French speaking sections of it. It only happened
once in Honduras. May be they assimilated
the spirit of French revolution but the humid climate will not let them invent
anything close to a guillotine machine. One is a king in the morning and before
sunset he is either a prisoner or a fugitive. If we were ruled by French in
Kenya we would have had at least sixteen successful coups. You don’t need to
remind me that my neighbour Uganda, West African football giants Nigeria, and
Ghana have had generous amounts of successful coups without the influence of assimilated or induced French volatility.
Captain Sanogo of Mali
Take a diplomatic trip to Mali
and you will be holed up in hotel suits even if you are the Minister for
Foreign Affairs in Kenya. Little known Captain Amadou Sanogo will be president
for stint while you plan to escape through the shortest route to JKIA. If you
stay long enough to be attacked by humid Tuareg madness and venture into
Equatorial Guinea, Nguema and his people will be experiencing a coup. That will
be advice enough to avoid Guinea Bissau like a plague. Mali should be a coup
case study for students of history. The president is overthrown by an army
which is either too timid or ill-equipped to fight starving Tuareg desert
rebels and are all the more cowardly to restrain an effeminate public from
beating interim president Traore senseless, before he ends up in a French ICU.
While you pause to drink scarce oasis murk, ECOWAS imposes trade embargo and
Mali ordinary wananchi would be appealing to Kenya 4 Kenya for famine relief food. Who do we help, Malians or
Turkanas? I would go for Malians since Turkana has ‘struck’ oil and will soon
refund my money. As if those problems do not suffice to absolutely fail a
failing state, the Northern rebels declare a part of the country they occupy
independent. In Mali’s case the ousted president Toure, the battered interim
president Traore and the leader of the coup Captain Amadou Sanogo, experience too
much humidity to ‘know people’ or ‘just know thyself’.
Methinks penmanship is not a
good pastime. When I want to stop writing my mind which obviously outpaces my
sluggish fingers strays to Central Africa, the land of Jean-Bedel Bokassa and
Mobuto Ssese Seko the Leopard (Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga) which translates as
‘the cockerel that covers all the hens’ .Is Leopold a Belgian equivalent of
African Leopard? I am going to stop here because you know the Leopard who was
richer than his country and introduced Article Sixteen (directing citizens to
steal a little) in the constitution. Did I just say Article sixteen? Surely,
sixteen must be a bad number. The Article destroyed all that was Zaire. If your
president told you to pilfer just a little in a presidential decree and made it
legal, would you not imagine how much the Big Man has stolen? Would you not
steal literally everything little, including water taps and pipes? DRC is one
country that been baptized twice after independence, at least where name is
concerned, if you choose to ignore such western infatuations like Leopold’s
Congo. From Congo to Zaire occasioned by Authenticite
and back to DRC under Laurent Kabilla. The name change did not spare
individuals, how did people end up with terse African names like Lwuambo Luanzo
Makiadi, and Kanda Bongo? How did Joseph Desire Mobutu become Mobutu Ssese Seko
–Kuku Ngbendu Wa za Banga?
Mobutu Ssese Seko –Kuku Ngbendu Wa za Banga
DRC is also the only country
God blessed with every precious mineral imaginable; gold, diamond (with little
blood), copper, Aluminum, Iron, and Uranium. They used Congo’s Uranium to develop
the atomic bomb which scorched Hiroshima and Nagasaki when there is a stalled
nuclear plant in DRC. A country blessed with the widest and most navigable
river in Africa and where if you deign to pick pebbles by the riverside they
turn out to be either diamond or gold, is taken down by the sixteenth article
of the constitution, that is, if you don’t consider good leadership largely
characterized by kleptocracy and megalomania. The Leopard, who fashioned
himself as the cockerel that covers all the hens (sexually), and at the same
time president for life, did not ‘know people’. Rwandese and Uganda forces,
forced not averse to violence overthrew the Leopard. He fled and died in Morocco.
Having mentioned Morocco I must
observe that it is being rule by a king, a good king who knows his people.
Perhaps, that’s why the Arab Spring did not spring on him. He has a counter
part down south called Mswati II, a man whose people keep honouring with
virgins each passing year.
Back to where I started and in
accordance to Solons argument. Kings and men may only be judged as happy on the
day of their death but for my money, kings do cry a lot.
people’ is not equivalent to ‘Know Thyself’ philosophically. It is purely a
Kenyan import adopted after the suspended Deputy Chief Justice Nancy Baraza
declined to go through security check and asked a female security guard to
‘know people’ which only means respect people in authority.
have not given any Kenyan leader even a footnote mention. My reasons are very
clear: this being an electioneering year and Kenyan being a Kenya, I do not
intend to be misconstrued. Some Kenyan leaders are facing ICC trial and I should
be the last person to say anything in that regard.
Apology for typos and unedited CGM
Quite a detailed knowledge on the African Kings, kudos! am always checking out on this blog for any new blog and the truth u haven't disappointed me on your articles.
Thanks a lot celestine. There are more where this came from and continue looking out for new articles. You may also give suggestions on how to improve this blog.
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